Giga Device 北京兆易创新科技股份有限公司,成立于2005年4月,是一家以中国为总部的全球化芯片设计公司。Giga Device 兆易创新致力于各类存储器、控制器及周边产品的设计研发,已通过SGS ISO9001及ISO14001等管理体系的认证,研发人员占全员比例55%,在上海、合肥、中国香港设有全资子公司、在深圳设有分公司,在中国台湾地区设有办事处,并在韩国、美国、日本等地通过产品分销商为客户提供优质便捷的本地化服务。
Giga Device 兆易创新核心管理团队由来自世界各地的高级管理人员组成,每位都曾在硅谷、韩国、台湾等各地著名IC企业工作多年,有着丰富的研发及管理经验。Giga Device 兆易创新公司创始人、总裁兼CEO朱一明先生,被评为海外高层次人才,入选国家千人计划, 并被授予国家级特聘专家荣誉称号。
Giga Device 兆易创新产品为NOR Flash、NAND Flash及MCU,广泛应用于手持移动终端、消费类电子产品、个人电脑及周边、网络、电信设备、医疗设备、办公设备、汽车电子及工业控制设备等各个领域。凭借出众的市场成绩,Giga Device 兆易创新产品在2010、2011及2012连续三年被工信部授予中国芯最佳市场表现奖,企业被依次评为重大科技成果产业化突出贡献单位创新型试点企业优秀留学人员企业等,入围钻石计划。Giga Device 兆易创新与多家世界知名晶圆厂、封装测试厂结成战略合作伙伴关系,确保产品的产能及质量,最大限度维护客户的利益。
GigaDevice, the leading provider of Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) devices, is the fabless company engaged in advanced memory and related chip design in Mainland China established in 2005. GigaDevice provides a wide range of high speed and low power NOR Flash memory products. Since 2007, GigaDevice has been accredited by SGS ISO9001 and ISO14001. More than 55% employees are in research and development segment, which assures our products the leading position in competition. The members of GigaDevice management team have rich working experience in famous memory companies in Silicon Valley US, Korea and Taiwan. GigaDevice has developed the 1st SPI NOR Flash, the 1st SPI NAND Flash, the 1st series of ARM Contex™-M3 32-bit general-purpose MCU products, the 1st SRAM and the 1st GigaROM product in China. GigaDevice currently produces a wide range of SPI NOR Flash, SPI NAND Flash and MCU in embedded, consumer electronics, and mobile communications domain.
GigaDevice operates a manufacturing model with strong relationship with foundry partners, assembly and testing house. GigaDevice believes that close foundry model overwhelms the old IDM model as the capital investment and size of the top tier foundry is much bigger than small and medium size of IDM. New equipment and rapid growing 12 inch capacity from our foundry partners are key factors in our competitions in technology and manufacturing cost and capacity.
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